Weight of Glory is a sermon delivered by C.S. Lewis in the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford. The sermon was first published in THEOLOGY, November, 1941, and by the S.P.C.K, 1942. This and several other pieces by Lewis were combined in the book also called The Weight of Glory. Internet Archive and a copy of the Indian edition of this book, and an audio version.
I posted a PDF transcript of Weight of Glory in 1988 because it had a significant impact on my faith and life. After many years I received a very polite “Take Down” notice from the copyright holder. I learned that while the copyright had expired in a number of countries, the copyright was still in effect in the USA?! I removed my copy. I will bring it back once the copyright expires in the USA. Someone, hopefully out of the USA, has posted a PDF of the sermon.
People in Canada and other locations that have a 50 year limit on copyright you can find the Weight of Glory contained in the freely available in the e-book Transpositions and other Addresses.
There are numerous people who have written about how seeing people as they truly are is will transform how we engage others. For example Jack Kornfield cited Thomas Merton:
I looked in the eyes of everyone going by and I saw their secret beauty that was born in them that no one can take from them. That magnificence of spirit, soul, whatever you want to call it.” He said, “The only problem would be I wanted to fall down at their feet and worship each one that went by.” He said, “If we could see each other that way there’d be no more need for war and cruelty. The world would be a different place.