Take Less, Do More

Glen Van Peski is a well know thought leader and innovator in the world of ultralight backpacking. Glen (and his wife Francie) are also some of the most generous people I know. I first “met” Glen on-line in the backpackinglight yahoo groups discussion forum more … “Take Less, Do More”

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Love > Orthodoxy

People with strong beliefs are often concerned about “orthodoxy”. I get this.  As a new Christian I wanted to be sure my faith was based on truth.  And yet, I think a focus on orthodoxy will often pull us away from what’s most important. Time … “Love > Orthodoxy”

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Stanford’s Healthy Aging 50+ Conference

Stanford’s Lifestyle Medicine first Healthy Aging 50+ Conference (Agenda, Videos) was held in Feb 2024 .  I was encouraged to find that my understand of what leads to a fit and healthy life has a great deal of overlap with the material they presented. I … “Stanford’s Healthy Aging 50+ Conference”

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Model of Maturity

The following is an integration of material from Life Model Works and what I have learn while coaching and mentoring people since the 1980s. TL;DR Love is the Measure and Goal We were made by God to experience love in the context of relationships. A … “Model of Maturity”

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Gear 2024

I strive for simplicity using items that enable a healthy, impactful life, while removing unnecessary friction and decisions. The following is a complete list of everything I own. My onebag packing list details what’s with me right now. Making this list was inspired by zenhabit’s … “Gear 2024”

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Eat the Frog

Many people make New Year’s resolutions. Within a few weeks the good intent disappears in the face of the realities of daily life. For millennia our wise elders have told us that forming habits is the most effective way to bring about change.  the Bible, … “Eat the Frog”

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Optimal Group Sizes

The optimal size of a group is first determined by the function of the group. A group will need the requisite skills, abilities, experience, and manpower to accomplish its goal. In addition to function, there are cognitive and social underpinnings which influence the optimal size … “Optimal Group Sizes”

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Hamas, Palestinians, Israel, and the “West” Updated Dec 22, 2023 The  satiric post Israeli, Palestinian officials commit to ensuring kids grow up hating one another underscores the current war between Hamas and Israel will have no winners, just losers. More civilians will be killed. Two … “Gaza”

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Finding Common Ground

What allows people to let go of revenge and drop their contempt for others long enough to actually listen to the other? How do you get people out of their rut? My observation is that this happens when people start to see others as individuals, … “Finding Common Ground”

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Bema Seat Judgement

The Bible talks about a judgement that people who know Jesus will undergo (Romans 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:10, etc). This is often called the Bema seat judgement. I didn’t look forward to this judgement.  It sounds like a…. Judgement.  My expectation is that this would … “Bema Seat Judgement”

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This week has been filled with grief. My sister’s husband Don passed away on Monday. Nearly everyone I talked with this week shared a major loss in their life which happened in the last few weeks.  There is the horrible Israel / Hamas war to … “Grief”

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Unity, Freedom, Charity

In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity. Rupertus Meldenius Over the last 40 years I have often heard this quote. There is some confusion who actually penned this quote. I believe I found an answer in the article In Essentials Unity, In … “Unity, Freedom, Charity”

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Today I listened to a wonderful podcast with Sarah Clarkson about the importance of beauty. A quote that will stick with me: beauty is a tangible encounter with God’s goodness  She is very interested in our embodied lives, something that I am coming to see is very important. … “Beauty”

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Book Themes

I have been spending a bit of time thinking about what’s important to me, what’s shaped my life. I noticed that there seem to be themes which thread the books I love, the stories I tell, and the way I try to live. Today I … “Book Themes”

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Spirit of a Place

I attended a group prayer / worship meeting held in Bridgetown Church’s Prayer: Room. As I entered I felt overwhelmed, moved to tears. The space felt holy. Part of it was the candles and soft lighting. Near the top of the four walls was the … “Spirit of a Place”

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Forest Bathing

When I first hear the Japanese term shinrin-yoku, which is forest bathing in English, I pictured a outdoor onsen that was in the middle of a forest, or maybe a deep soaking tub which was part of an outdoor bathroom attached to a hide-away cabin … “Forest Bathing”

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Poetic Chat-GPT

In gratitude for changes I tried to capture what I was feeling. I wondered how chat-gpt would improve what I wrote so I fed it my paragraph with a number of different instructions. The original paragraph was: I had planned on going for a hike … “Poetic Chat-GPT”

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Posted Under: tech

Gratitude for Changes

This morning I have been reflecting on, and being grateful for books, people, and events that has shaped my life. This has been brought about because I am catching up with some old friends, including one that I haven’t seen in 40 years. I am … “Gratitude for Changes”

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Layoffs Done “Right”

The recent wave of layoffs within prosperous tech companies has been a wake-up call, especially for younger professionals who have not experienced previous economic downturns. However, those familiar with cyclical business trends or the relentless pursuit of “shareholder value” are neither shocked nor surprised. Why … “Layoffs Done “Right””

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Posted Under: work