I use feedly to subscribe to around 100 RSS feeds which generates around 400 messages a day. I scan the subject lines, open those that look interesting, and save in Evernote Bear those that I might want to reference at a later time. In the past I also use Flipboard which allowed me to combine RSS feeds with twitter and other social media streams. Flipboard’s UI is great for browsing, but was frustrated that it didn’t track what I had seen already.
Great and Infrequent
I find each of these authors thoughtful and well worth the time to read their relatively long posts.
- Wait but Why? Deep dive into all sorts of topics with stick figure illustrations
- Paul Graham: Thoughtful essays by one of the founders of Y-Combinator
- Mark Manson: Life advise. Wise for his age
- O’Reilly Radar Trends: monthly look at trends in high tech
Developing topics (tech/science skew)
- Futurity: News releases from research oriented universities. A light version of eureka alert
- Hackers News: Information of interest to tech entrepreneur
- Abnormal Returns: Curated list of articles on a variety of topics primarily focus on background material that would assist an investor
- BigThink: Big ideas
Particularly Appreciate
- Study Hacks: Cal Newport, one of the advocate for Deep Thinking
- Cool Tools: Kevin Kelly and friends. Sort of a weekly dose of the the Whole Earth Catalog.
- All Things Distributed: Warner Vogels’ (CTO of AWS) musing about technology and computer science
- DCRainmaker: Covers in amazing detail technology related to triathlon sports: swimming, running, cycling. I don’t think I have ever disagreed with a assessment made by Ray. If I need to replace or purchase gear that Ray writes about I just read his recommendation and purchase. No additional research required.
- Many of the podcasts I listen have associated blogs which I follow
Past Loves (But No More)
- Lifehacker: Too many ads both, have to switch from my RSS reader to the website to read the full content
- Becoming Minimalist and other blogs about Minimalist. Seems to rehash the same material over and over. Great when getting started, but once you have internalized simplicity / minimalist / etc not that helpful.
- Irrational Exuberance: Will Larson’s musing about leading engineering organizations. Not doing this anymore
- Slashdot: The original hacker news site. Generally get more from Hacker News
Medical / Fitness
There are countless people who blog on topics like fitness, health, longevity, etc. Some are repeating what was “accepted wisdom” in the mainline western medical community. I fear these folks are stuck a disease model, reductionist mindset. There are the kooks who embrace any alternative to western medicine, not mater what the evidence is. Finally, there are people who are thinking outside the box. I don’t agree with the following people on everything, maybe not even a majority, but they are thoughtful, tend to actually experiment / use data, and seem genuinely interested in improving people’s health and fitness. These folks do a mix of podcast and blog posts.
- Stanford’s Lifestyle Medicine
- Peter Attia
- Hummerman Lab
- dr casey means – cmo of levels
- FoundMyFitness – Episodes #76, #78 particularly good on exercise and diet composition
- Ben Greenfield
- Chris Resser
My complete reading list in early 2022 as a feedly opm