
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Aphorism attributed to Albert Einstein

In the face of an ever accelerated and complex world, I have found seeking simplicity to be a shelter. Rather than getting caught up in, and reacting to our fast moving and complex world, embracing simplicity has enabled me to take a step back, providing space to deepen my understanding, make better decisions, and gives my heart space. Using simplicity as a “lens” has improved my thinking, designs, and the quality of my daily life.

Dad’s Simplicity

My dad taught me to appreciate simplicity by the way he lived and reasoned. What had the deepest impact on me was that he was able to take the most complicated topics and explain them in a way that just about anyone could understand. Nearly every Wednesday we would go out to dinner, often the Ground Round for tasty burgers and unlimited popcorn and peanuts. During dinner dad would ask us about what we were learning and what we wanted to learn. I was typically interested in sciencey topics like what he was working on. (He was a physicist working at the frontier of integrated optics which resulted in 18 patents and more than 100 peer reviewed papers.) He would grab a few paper napkins from the dispenser, remove the fountain pen from his pocket, and procedure to explain whatever topic we asked about. In 5 to 15 minutes I got it.

Dad believed if a device, solution, principle, etc wasn’t simple enough to be explained on one to three napkins, then you had the wrong approach and were making things too complex. When he couldn’t explain something to us in this way he would say “I don’t think I understand this as well as I thought. Ask me next week.” My dad believed that the inability to explain something so everyone could understand it revealed that you didn’t truly, deeply understand the topic. A close corollary is teaching is the best way to learn as subject because it forces you to understand the subject well enough to explain it to someone who knows nothing.

Simplicity in Thought

Occam’s Razor, coined around 1317 says when faced with multiple options, it’s best to select the simplest. History has demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach.  If you want to learn more, there is an extensive article about Simplicity in the Philosophy of Science

I have seen that the more complex an idea is, the more ways there are for something to go wrong. Additionally, the more complexity you are trying to manage, the more likely you are to miss one facet going “off track” making it more likely than you end up somewhere completely unexpected and might not even notice. I often wonder if this is why people who consider themselves technocrats or policy wonks don’t recognize when the programs they are supporting are far from what is theoretically “core” to their beliefs.

Simplicity in Design

When faced with an extraordinarily difficult problem,  I have often found “taking a step back” to see if there is a way to simplify the issue often revealed a solution. When building secure software, the solution was often simplifying the execution path and removing code rather than working on complex logic. I found the paper Hints for Computer System Design by Butler Lampson is filled with good reminders which helps a designer apply simplicity to their designs. I appreciate the insights in the book Subtract, the article Simplicity Advantage but Commodity Sells and Why a toaster from 1949 is still smarter than any sold today.

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple he built a company which used simplicity as a key touchstone and the company thrived. When discussing possible product features, the surest way to have you feature cut was leading off with the phrase “Wouldn’t be cool if ____”. Rather you needed to say ” ____ is absolutely essential to the customer experience”. Apple more than any company understood the power of simplicity. 6 Factor Consumers Use to Evaluate Simplicity highlights ways a product can simplify the consumers’ life.

When properly designed, simplicity provides a transparency which makes the product or system more understandable and less fragile. This is one way that Apple sometimes failed, opting for things which appeared simple by hiding complexity under a veneer rather than seeking deep simplicity. 

Simplicity in Possessions

Advertisers buy our attention to convince us more stuff will make our lives better. They tell us we should “keep up with the Jones” if not the rich and famous. This encourages us to be dissatisfied with what we have rather than to be grateful. This sort of outlook leads to a consuming hunger that never satisfies our hearts. People are discovering once their basic needs are met, that more stuff doesn’t make them happier. In fact, have less (but enough) possessions leads to better life experience than having too much. I have found the process of simplifying my stuff was extremely liberating. I found life is easier, less friction, few decisions. Walking the Camino de Santiago with a <8lb pack was wonderful. I was thankful for what I had and never felt a lack. The simplicity of walk, eat, talk, sleep, carrying just what we needed was restorative. Be challenged by Leo’s living lightly.

Simplicity in Life

In life, I have found keeping life simple, doing less, being attentive to “basic things” like being kind to others produces the best outcomes. The world  calls us to invest our time, energy and resources in countless directions. All these bids of our attention can make it difficult to focus, and increases the likelihood that we will invest in things which ultimately have a low return on investment. Our society calls us to achievement, where connection is often much more meaningful. The discipline of simplicity, and its close cousins minimalism and essentialism  can help us make wise choices.

Jesus explained God’s “simple” path for us in Matt 22:37-39 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This is nothing complicated or heroic. Simply being attentive to those around us and acts of care and kindness can change the world.

Other Resources

‘Tis the gift to be simple, ’tis the gift to be free,
‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain’d,
To bow and to bend we will not be asham’d,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.

Shaker Hymn

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