The following is my highly opinionated list of churches that I would recommend (or than are on my list to check out at some point). I have a separate post above how to find the right church for you.
Silicon Valley
- Abundant Life Christian Fellowship~ In the 1990s was an amazing dynamic, multi-cultural church that was located in East Palo Alto bring together people from many cultures, backgrounds, and economic situations. They were rocked by several scandals (resulting in leaders departing). They engaged a number of experienced pastors to get their footing back but have not returned to their “glory days”.
- Menlo – Multi-site mega presbyterian. Lots of resources and programs which can be helpful such as Divorce recovery. They tend to use staff rather than empowering members which can hurt community. Side by Side on the Menlo Campus is a good multi-generational group which encourages everyone to use their gifting.
- New Beginnings Community Church – A dynamic, multi-cultural church. Seems to have taken the mantle that Abundant Life used to carry.
- New Community Church – Menlo’s first experiment with multi-campus was called Cafe. Originally formed to provide space in the main sanctuary, it became a place that people attended who had trouble connecting at the main Menlo service. Cafe was closed, but many of the people who made it a welcoming community are now at NCC, including the original pastor for Cafe.
- Peninsula Bible Church, PBC Cupertino – Classic Bible churches. Expository teaching, small group inductive bible studies. Has a very good recovery ministry and a good young adults fellowship.
- Peninsula Covenant – A modern parish church. Takes serving Redwood City seriously. Deep commitment to serve and be involved in the locale.
- Spark – Spark is a safe place for people who feel the need to deconstruct their faith. The church was formed by some gifted people who were burned out in local mega churches are were looking to build a safe place for them and others to recover. Encourages people to ask hard questions and is comfortable with no easy answers. Deep appreciation of the Old Testament and has a great relationship with a local Jewish congregation. One down side is that due to people recovering from past wounds people aren’t always good at engaging with new people. You will need to work to get connected.
Churches I have had a bit of interaction with that seemed good: Vive Mountain View, West Hills Community Church, Westgate Church, Bridges Church, Los Gatos Christian Church, Calvary Church
San Francisco
- Reality SF – Popular with genX,Y,Z. Excellent teaching, good community life.
- cornerstone sf – multi-generational, multi-ethic missional church.
- Epic SF – Have heard it’s a good church but no personal experience.
- We Are Church – Micro church movement started by Francis Chan focused on under served neighborhoods.
Parachurch in Bay Area
- Western Seminary – has an extension programs in this area.
- Wellspring – offers retreats and seminars on topics related to spiritual formation.
- Bible Study Fellowship – Often in-depth studies of the Bible. Hosted by several local churches.
- Mercy Center – Spiritual formation from a catholic perspective. You don’t need to be catholic. They have trained many of the Protestant spiritual directors in the Bay Area.
- Transform the Bay – Connects areas leaders to see the bay areas transformed by Jesus.
- Volunteer Info Center – has links to most of the organizations which operate in the bay area.
Portland, OR
- Bridgetown: Contemplative meets the charismatic streams with strong community groups. An amazing church for many who are looking for a framework for a life following Jesus. Downside is that if you don’t fit into their framework you are going to feel like you are on the outside. You are “welcomed”, but not really enfolded into the community.
- The Well Church: Strong Missions program. Very welcoming.
- Imago Dei Community: Deeply integrate social justice with faith
- Cedarmill Bible Church: Classic Bible church.
- Sonrise: Baptist church which has a long history of sacrificial giving and supporting church planting.
Taipei, TW
English speaking congregations.
- Thrive Church Taipei | 台北市 | 台灣, bilingual church plant. I appreciate their conservation theology combined with an openness to the Spirit. My favorite church in Taipei.
- Friendship Presbyterian Church, one of the oldest English speaking congregations committed to serving the international community. While there are members who have been involved in the church for 30 years, the turn over is typically quick. Their goal is for people to grow and be prepared for their next steps. Jackie’s favorite church in Taipei.
- New Hope Church, bilingual. Australian / Hillsong connection.
- Every Nation Church Taipei, Focused on discipleship / church planting among college students.
- Bread of Life International , Focused on college students
- Grace Baptist Church. A well established church. Mostly Chinese speaking, has an English service.
- SLPC English Church Taipei
- Taipei International Church
- St John’s Episcopal Cathedral, liturgical, has an English service.
Other Locations
Church I have spent time with or churches strongly recommended by good friends who I trust
- Dwell Community Church Columbus, OH. The church that I came to faith at. Very strong teaching the scripture, deep community, and encourages all to grow and serve. Downside is some parts of the church can be overly controlling.
- Vineyard Columbus Columbus, OH. The largest Vineyard church? Strong biblical teaching combined with leaving room for the Spirit to work and lead. Dwell and Vineyard Columbus have common roots / influences, but Vineyard leaves more room for the Spirit to work.
- From people at Bridgetown
- Oregon – Saint’s Hill (Newberg), Riverbend (Bend), 26 West (Hillsboro)
- Washington – Van City (Vancouver), Rivers Edge (Spokane)
- California – Reality San Francisco, Park Hill Church (San Diego), Garden Church (Long Beach), Vintage Church LA, Genesis (Costa Mesa)
- Massachusetts – The Table (Boston)
- North Carolina – Emmaus (Raleigh)
- New York – Oaks Church Brooklyn, Church of the City (Manhattan), New Life Fellowship (Queens)
- U.K. – KXC (Kings Cross Church, London)
- Australia – Red Church Melbourne
- Santa Rosa Christian Church Santa Rosa, CA. Classic Bible church which seems to have avoided falling into a judgement / overly religious.
- Northshore Church Kirkland, OR. Big church that is welcoming with solid preaching.
- The Austin Stone Community Church Austin, TX. Very strong community groups and support of missions.
- Upperroom Church Dallas, TX
- Journey Church in Bend. Focused on gracious engagement and leading with love while holding to a conservative biblical theology.
- Redeemer in NYC: Started by Tim Keller. Excellent teaching, strong engagement with culture.